Answer: kings ruled. ... SETTING THE STAGE Two rivers flow from the mountains of what is now. Turkey ... In addition to being a place of worship, the ziggurat was like a city hall. ... passed their power on to their sons, who eventually passed it on to their own heirs. ... established their capital at Babylon, on the Euphrates River.
A citizenship is having the status of being a citizen. If you have a citizenship in your country you have the right to live there,work,vote, and pay taxes.
Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and then settled in Rhode Island and started the Baptist Church.
The three naval carriers would play and important role in other battles throughout the war.
The plan by the Japanese prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor was to perform a surprise-attack on the U.S. in which all of the U.S.'s major assets were destroyed; however, the several aircraft carriers that were not destroyed proved detrimental to the Japanese later on; their plan was based on crippling the U.S., but the U.S. was not entirely crippled.
Answer: The similarity is the movement, both the defensive and offensive teams are always on the move.
Explanation:The team that does not have possession of the ball is the defensive team. Good team defense is essential to winning any game in sport but they keep moving trying to get possession.
The team that has possession of the ball is on the offense. When on offense, a team may take a number of different tactics or strategies depending on which players are in the game at the time and on the skill level and type of the players.
One general strategy of offensive play that all players should employ is Passing and Moving. This means that you should never just stand still on offense.