This is an example of an anecdote because the writer narrates their own experience.
1. She set him free immediately when they found him not guilty.
2. They claim that we would still be governed by Britain if the American Colonists had lost the Revolutionary War.
3. When telephones aren't working correctly, the telephone operators provide assistance.
4. Maria was told that Jeanne had been promoted
Also, 3 and 5 are wrong! 3 is "their" because the word men refers to more than one man and 5 is also "their" because it says advisers with an S meaning that there is more than one female adviser.
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Johnny and Ponyboy fled, but were caught near a fountain. Johnny was pushed to the ground, and then the Socs dunked Ponyboy multiple times in the fountain, and he almost drowned. Johnny then pulled out his switchblade and stabbed Bob, killing him.