Because i want free points
In Thomas Hardy's Return of the Natives
Information must be officially confirmed by a government office.
At times when the country is embroiled in conflict, it is common to get the wrong rumors about whether the government will go to war or not. Many people, in order to generate fear in the population, may disclose that the country goes into war or some other kind of conflict, however it is important not to listen to rumors and wait for official information from the government.
Roosevelt talked about this in fireside chat # 19, where he said that in times of crisis, before war information is released to the American people, information must be officially confirmed by a government office.
The quote live your life with integrity lose with dignity win with humility mean truthfulness, majestic and humble.
There are various people in this world, sore losers, arrogant winners, pride winners and growth of hatred when one looses. However, "live your life with integrity lose with dignity win with humility means a whole different personality for better living.
It means living honestly and fair to everyone no matter the hardships or cheaters one face. Facing a failure with a noble mind and positive energy to take it as a lesson and do better in life and succeed twice the times and accept glory with simple and humble mind. One should block away ego, too much pride, arrogance and share the success with love.