The price of a flower bouquet is $2.75 each based on the information shown in the question above. This problem can be solved using the algebra substitution system between two equations with two different variables (3x+5y=25.75 and 8x+2y=29). First, you have to simplify the second equation to become y=14.5-4x then you can substitute the second equation into the first equation (3x+5(14.5-4x)=25.75).
I doonnoo lolololololololololol im sorry i thout i wold try
There is power in collective action as the one mouse could do nothing to the cat. But the one cat could do nothing to the dog, but 34 mice could because there is power in collective action.
For example, when A sees B drowning and fails to save him, A may be drinking, singing, whistling, or dancing while not saving B, but this is still classified as omission in the legal context (requiring a duty to act in order to convict) since these actions are not related to the result.