The mentally ill were sometimes experimented on with treatments that sometimes caused more harm than good.
This passages points out both the good intentions and the harmful consequences of trying out new treatments on human subjects in the asylums.
It states that the institutions wanted to offer new and effective treatments to the patients, but that these were rudimentary and poorly understood and developed. This lack of refinement led to worse conditions for many of the mentally ill.
On their way to attack Macbeth's castle, they cut down branches from the trees in Birnam Wood to use as camouflage. When the wood moves, one of the witches' prophecies comes true. Macduff reveals that he was born by a cesarean birth and kills Macbeth, fulfilling the final prophecy.
A paragraph about Communication
Communication is important for all living beings.Without communcating we will.......
This all depends on context, but in general:
Neutral: Generally having a middle ground opinion rather than being on an extreme side.
Positive: Usually refers to one's attitude, optimism. Can also mean certainty.
Negative: Not positive, could be referring to pessimism or seeing the bad side of things.
A person's’s identity is so important within the world of Le Morte d’Arthur. Each character is defined not only by his familial relations, but also by his abilities, whether on the battlefield, as a lover, or as a leader. A person is also defined by his loyalties to his country or liege. Knights are usually defined with epithets about their abilities or loyalties, sometimes given through fate, sometimes through their own accomplishments. Many people struggle with identities given to them by fate or circumstance. For instance, when Arthur was young, he thought of himself as the adopted son of a landowner and knight, not as the heir to all of England. After Arthur learns he is the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine, he has a hard time accepting his identity, even though that identity compels him to take power meant for him by fate. Similarly, his son Mordred also has difficulty accepting his identity - though he is predestined to kill his father, he is bothered by the Archbishop of Canterbury's statements on his sinful conception.