1. Environmentalists shall not support the (major) mayor unless the mayor (change) his environmental policy.
2. The mayor will speak with his advisor before (arrive) the environmentalists.
3. Environmentalists entered the mayor's office as soon as (know) that they were waiting for them.
4. The mayor assures them that he always thinks about the environment when (giving) permits to build new buildings.
5. Environmentalists will be concerned until the mayor (answers) all your questions.
I translated them to make them easier for you :).
Hopes this helps you in Spanish.
Sky Lanterns. made out of rice paper with a bamboo frame, which contain a fuel cell or small candle.
Loy Krat hong Festival. the most popular festival.
Silk painting.
Wayang Kulit or shadow puppetry.
Wau Kite.
I know that I'm from South East Asia,
God blessed you,
I hope it help.
The seven is not right must be
15:(1+2)=5 first the pharentesis 15:3=5
They way that you put the answer of the seven is not correct, the pharentesis is not needed in the case like you use it because anyway (without pharentesis in other places) the division go first that the sum
and the eight is correct
What do you need help on exactly? Que necesitas ayuda?
I take the sound in the river silver
I think you need to listen to an audio to answer the questions. Can you please share the link ?