There are multiple types of volcanoes, and their types are determined by their formation, appearance, and eruptions, which are actually all related to one another. One of the types of volcanoes is a cinder cone volcano. This type of volcano is a short-lived volcano that actually occurs at the flanks of other types of volcanoes, forming from the larger vents of the preexisting larger volcanoes.
As mentioned, the cinder cone volcanoes occur near other larger volcanoes. When the larger volcanoes have bigger eruptions, the vents propel a lot of magma toward the surface, resulting in the formation of a cinder cone volcano. Because they emerge very quickly and how they erupt the material they have very steep sides. Because of their eruptions that shoot-out thick blobs of lava that fall as cinders they got the name cinder cone volcanoes.
The sun rays reach the earth's surface at an angle of 90 degrees at the equator which is direct and is short as compared to the poles it's long and about 66.5 degrees to the south and north. In the tropics its falls as 23.5 degrees in the northern and southern hemisphere.
The sun rays that form a tangent to the northern hemisphere are at 0, 23.5, 66.5 degrees i.e tropics, temperate and poles. And same is for the southern hemisphere.
On June 21 the southern hemisphere has winter seasons as the amount of insolation that reaches the southern side is less due to the tilt of the sun.
Answer:When farmers are prospering, they support other sectors of India's economy through their own consumption. Products like fertilizer, working attire and tools are necessary for farmers, especially as they expand their business. This increase in expenditure directly creates jobs for others.