Martha Washington was known as the leader.
Caudillo is a term derived from the Spanish word Capitellum meaning Small Head ( head of an irregular ruled political territory). In the Latin American context, this term was used for the Military Leaders, who challenged the authority of the Spanish government. Therefore, these Caudillos or the strong man gave birth to a system called Caudillismo (a system of political-social domination under the leadership of a strong man). They rose after the Independence War from Spain in the 19th century in Latin America.
george washington was the first president of the USA:)
D. a campaign volunteer goes through a neighborhood asking for votes,
person to person campaigning
Tsarism was threatened by the 1905 Revolution but Nicholas II remained staunchly committed to the autocracy. As a result, the events of 1905 were followed by a period of tsarist reaction led by chief minister Pyotr Stolypin, where promised reforms were wound back and revolutionary groups were suppressed.