The author taking usage of nice rhythmic allegory, symbolism and imagary builds an Iambic pretty swift pentameter poems of sorts.
Letter to the editor.
23-B, Sector 13
Islamabad, 44000
The Editor
Subject- Complaint about corruption in Pakistan.
May I have the privilege to use some space of your esteemed daily to draw the attention towards the correuption prevailing in our country.
Daily we read in newspapers and watch in news about how people in power are misusing their position to hide the hideous crimes of people. One can see corruption spreading in every sector like a gangrene in our society. Not even one sector is left untouched, from government to judiciary, from politics to education, everything is influenced by corruption in our country. Though many efforts have been initiated yet little progress is seen in the area.
Recently, I went in a school for my daughter's admission, but they asked for such a high amount of fees, that only ellite class can afford. But where will the children of middle and low class go?
I hope that the concerned authorities will take notice on this issue and will take necessary actions.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
Sohail Ahmad
Because they showed the directer is johns father and then everyone started to make laugh at him.
<span>No innovative communication signals were produced by the chimpanzees. Type of verb: PASSIVE</span>