Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” Lincoln declared.
Based on the scenario above, this illustrates the importance
of modeling. Modeling or role modeling is a tendency of which an individual’s
behavior or character is being emulated because of other people. This is
usually engaged by young people in which we could see in the scenario above as
Viktor imitates his older brother.
The correct answer is: In times of war, free speech may be more limited than in times of peace. This is the case because of the intricacies surrounding wartime that may necessitate the limiting of certain rights in order for a nation to successfully navigate through such a period.
He shared his wealth with community organizations such as orphanages and the YMCA. As a boy, he sold small items such as homemade molasses and peanuts to earn money.
The correct answer is A! The rule of law is in place so no person in a state, regardless of place of power, has to abide by the law established there.