In "To Kill a Mockinbird," by Harper Lee, the narrator is Scout, a five yearl-old girl in rural Southern America. Through her eyes, readers can see a story of racism and prejudice with her innocent and thoughtful view, without any lies. Her father Atticus has raised her wisely to encourage her individuality, and is convinced that she is absolutely able to realize when somebody hides something. Her experiences facing good and evil situations eventually turn her into a mature young girl by the end of the story.
Theatron refers to the seating area section of an Ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine theater.
When something happens to our body, it is the job of the nervous system to transmit these sensations (both positive and negative) and inform the body of what is happening. If you observe the entire country to be a body, the media would be the nervous system as its job is to transmit the information throughout the entire body, making sure every part of the body is aware of a certain sensation.
Try using it in a sentence or finding the actual definition just for clarity.Hope this helps !
Answer:B. The stress and unstressed syllables alternate in a pattern back and forth