It is actually none of those choices. The correct answer is actually Burlesque. A Burlesque is a humorous imitation of a serious work of literature. The humor often arises from the incongruity between the imitation and the work being imitated.
A site which includes external links to reputable sources
A site with too little text may be trying to avoid the point, or perhaps they really don't know that much. A site with only a few sources listed may be unreliable since they could've just made up what they wrote with no evidence. A site with reputable sources would be the answer since a reputable source would not be indeed reputable without the validations of the people.
In formal writing and communication, the sentence "Mom said she thought Maria had been treated wrongly and that she should stick up for herself." is more appropriate. Although wrong and wrongly are both adverbs, some writers consider using adverbial "wrong" as incorrect, so you might want to play it safe and use "wrongly" instead.
the answer is a correlative conjunction