All server side errors start with 5XX
Networking capabilities of a computer
public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
Using Java prograamming Language.
The Method (function) print_popcorn_time is defined to accept a single parameter of type int
Using if...else if ....else statements it prints the expected output given in the question
A complete java program calling the method is given below
public class num6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int bagOunces = 7;
public static void print_popcorn_time(int bag_ounces){
System.out.println("Too Small");
else if(bag_ounces>10){
System.out.println("Too Large");
System.out.println(bag_ounces+" seconds");
1) back up your data
2) delete any personal information
3) clear cookies, browsing data, and saved passwords
4) restore any settings you may have changed to original settings
And clicking the security tab option.
Lets explain what an object's ACL is. I will use an example to best explain this. Let's suppose that user Bob would want to access a folder in a Windows environment. What supposedly will happen is that Windows will need to determine whether Bob has rights to access the folder or not. In order to do this, an ACE with the security identity of John will be created. These ACEs are the ones that grant John access to the folder and the ACLs of this particular folder that John is trying to access is a list of permissions of everyone who is allowed to access this folder. What this folder will do is the to compare the security identity of John with the folders ACL and determine whether John has Full control of the folder or not.
By right clicking the folder and selecting the security tab, John will be in a position to see a list of the permissions (ACLs) granted to him by the folder.