When it comes to the first person, most of the time before you must add the suffix GO, an example is: "SALIR" which means exit, which instead of saying exit GO is added and it would give as "SALGO", another way is the I GO that now instead of adding a go we add an igo, an example is the verb caer that if I put GO and not IGO I would say YO CAGO (means to defecate), these two verbs are only used in the first person, in simple words that are used in most verbs to say an action in the first person by putting a GO at the end of the verb, eliminating the IR or ER of the verbs in their basic form, if you don't understand me, here is a one-page text :
These forms are conjugated as regular in the present indicative, except in the first person conjugation form (yo), where you must add a g before the suffix -o.
Some of these verbs include Put, Oír, Salir, Tener, Valer, Venir, among others (and related).
Let's take the verb put, which means “put”.
When conjugated in the first person (I) of the present simple indicative, it becomes pongo, instead of "pono".
Technically when it comes to the first person when you are going to conjugate a verb
a lot of them are roman cathloic in south america so 81%
El huipil es una prenda de vestir usada por mujeres pertenecientes a la cultura maya.
This is a Spanish summary of what a "huipil" is:
El huipil es una prenda de vestir tradicional usada generalmente por mujeres de la cultura maya en Guatemala. A su vez, el huipiil es una prenda de vestir muy coloridacon estampados y que tiene forma de blusa. Esta prenda se usa con una falda tradicional.
In English it says something like this:
The huipil is like a garment traditionally worn by women of the Mayan culture in Guatemala. Besides, the huipiil is a very colorful garment with prints and It has the shape of a blouse or a dress. This garment is worn with a traditional skirt. i got this from another brainly
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