Before 1611, Rolfe began cultivating tobacco seeds grown in the West Indies; he probably obtained them from Trinidad or some other Caribbean location. When the new tobacco was sent to England, it proved immensely popular, helping to break the Spanish monopoly on tobacco and create a stable economy for Virginia. America known for being the first person to cultivate tobacco in Virginia and for marrying Pocahontas.
Queen Elizabeth 1 knighted Raleigh. He was appointed captain of the Queens guard and later set sail on an unsuccessful search of El Dorado, the legendary city of gold.
Helps geographers understand the relationship among places. ... absolute location and relative location. How do the 5 themes help geographers when they study the Earth? Helps to organize information like cultural changes,comparisons of natural surroundings in peoples environment, physical and human features.
The answer is positive correlation.
Although most stressors have only short-term effects on most young people, stress can affect mood, behaviour and health in the long term as we get older. It all depends both on the intensity and frequency of the stressors, and the genetic or psychological vulnerability of the person.
Stress has ben linked to contagious or chronic diseases, and to substance abuse.
According to Rescorla and Wagner, the association between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus is strongest when the association is SURPRISING.