Research skills are the ability to find answers or solve a particular problem by studying materials and sources. It includes the ability to gather information, analyse, interpret and review it before providing a solution. Research is essential in a wide range of industries, and any employee can effectively utilise it to increase productivity. Research skills can also be a collection of skills that can help you review the information and make an informed decision.
Which transition word best completes the sentence?
Remy was lively and imaginative, ______ her sister, Reggie, was quiet and practical
The word could be But
2. dribbling beast reassurance safe
Willy hopes that Biff will make something of himself, yet Biff drifts from job to job without any ambition in life. He used to work as a shipping clerk but he stole basketballs from his boss. He once spent three months in jail because he stole a suit. He failed Math so he did not graduate from high school. Now Biff works in cattle ranches and farms. At his age of 34 he should already have a wife and family and a steady job yet he just wanders from one place to another looking for jobs.
I disagree
just because some ppl do it doesnt mean everyone does it like we cant judge base off someone else and think they will also do it.