Answer: but, however, in spite of, on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet AND first, second, third, next, then, finally
Explanation: These are some good transition words to put with your sentences. If your writing about a topic with 3 points, you can start the paragraph off with "first, second", ect. If your wanting to transition into something different, then use some words such as "but, however, in contrary", ect. It all depends on what your writing about and what type of essay your writing so make sure you use them appropriately.
Sherlock Holmes is extremely skilled in logic, deduction, and reason. John Watson is skilled in medical knowledge. Watson gives Holmes the insight of a doctor and Holmes is able to solve puzzles better than Watson is. Watson also provides Holmes a person to explain his theories to, which helps Holmes recognize holes in his theories. As far as I can tell, there are no characteristics that they are lacking that would help them in detective work.