The American Smelt averages 10inches in length, most species are Marine, and the feeding habits are destructive and sometimes cannibalistic.
Changes in the pressure create the flow of the air to move up and down in the ear and thus create popping sound.
- The ear-popping is caused by the phenomenon of the opening of the Eustachian tube when one swallows and it might be automatically when you blow our nose or are setting in an airplane and this sound is created when the air enters the middle ear through the tube.
Asia and North-America
The Bering strait is a portion of about 47 miles (75 km) that separates Asia (Russia) and North-America (state of Alaska, USA). Let's remember that Alaska belonged to Russia and was bought by the US.
That straight is a place with very harsh and extremely violent weather fueled by cold Arctic water and winds.
20,000 years ago, that straight was solid ice and that's how human migrated from Asia to North America (and went further South afterwards).
Although the Maya did not unite to form a single united empire but they share some cultural elements which show that they are actually one people. These cultural elements include: customs and traditions, ways of living, language, arts, religion, writing system, architecture, trade, etc.