Answer:To forgive a wrong, you must recall it without feeling angry or wanting to retaliate., Forgiveness has taken place when you can remember the wrong that was done without feeling resentment or a desire to pursue revenge.
Did you read all the explanations? It tells you what you need to do. Or is it a certain part you don’t get? Maybe I can help but I need to know what it is that your struggling with. Also you need a book.
Answer: Option D : Through the character's thoughts.
In the passage, the character is not speaking out loud. The passage doesn't talk about the character's actions too. The character is just thinking.
The theme of the short story is the Sacrifice which is forgotten. Keesh tries to prove that his father haf become the savior for his community. We have to appreciate the sacrifice of a person and we should not have bad prejudice towards each other
The final e is dropped from the base word when we spell the word believable because the suffix begins with a vowel. The suffix used in the word believable is -able. This is one of the vowel suffixes. The general rule is, in order to add a vowel suffix to a word ending in silent e, the final e should be removed then connect the vowel suffix.