It means that being an American is a source of pride and that is why people sing with their mouths open, that is, they sing loudly so that everyone can hear how proud they are.
Although you did not show in the question above, the line you present is part of the poem "I Hear America Singing" where we are introduced to the American working class and how they do their jobs happily while helping to build the country they love so much. The poem shows how important these workers are and reinforces how proud they are of their roles, as well as being extremely proud to be American, even going so far as to sing about it "with open mouths," which means that they sing loud enough so that everyone can hear well.
Anne, because she is always trying to pet his cat and writing in her journal.
Since Anne is always trying to hurt the cat and always writing in her diary, Peter thinks she is a friendly and sensitive person who will understand his feelings about everything that is happening. He sees Anne as a person he can talk to and express himself with, so he thinks she is trustworthy and willing to be the same kind of trusted company for her.
The PTA is an association whose objective is to improve the way students learn. In this way, I will write an example of a speech that could be given in front of this association.
"I am in front of you to talk about what matters most to all of us and why we are here: the education of our children.
Students are the future of the nation, they are the next generation, and we must take care to improve their learning environment to ensure that they succeed.
Below I have written what our school needs to improve:
- Greater autonomy.
- Prestige the evaluation.
- Reduce the number of students in classrooms.
- Improve teacher training.
- Diagnose difficulties.
- More funds.
We must work together to make all of this happen so that our children can succeed in the future. "
Explanation:Gatsby has fired all of his servants and replaced them with associates of Wolfshiem. Gatsby was concerned that the old servants were gossiping in town about Daisy's visits to his mansion. Gatsby calls Nick to invite him to Daisy's house for lunch.