Like many nomadic pastoral cultures, the Mongols had a segmentary society, originally organized into a hierarchy of families, clans, tribes, and confederations. While social classes including nobility, herders, artisans, and slaves existed, the social structure was not completely rigid and social mobility was possible.
the way United States maximize industrial output during the war was: It exempted some workers in wartime industries from the draft.
During the war, many men were obligated by law to contribute their service to the country. Those that are not physically capable to be a soldier tend to be exempted and required to contribute to other sectors of the war. One of them was as workers in war-related industries.
The Republic was established by the Partisan resistance movement and its administrative center was in the town of Užice.
resistance movements that fought a guerrilla war against the Axis forces during World War II in the Soviet Union, the previously Soviet-occupied territories of interwar Poland in 1941–45 and eastern Finland.