Spreading axis
Oceanic crust is constantly being pushed horizontally away from the ridge crest toward an oceanic trench. This ridge crest is known as spreading axis or spreading center. The phenomenon itself is known as seafloor spreading. Seafloor spreading as a theory was first proposed by Harry Hess in 1962. He proposed that sea floor moves, as well as continents. The seafloor moves at a rate of about 1-24 cm per year.
American ———————-/////————————
Are you asking what she should do? If you're asking that i suggest whoever it is that got hurt to decide for herself. If the concussion is very bad and she have seen a doctor and they told you to sit out or something else then you should do as told. But if its mild, then she can know her limits and what she wants to do.
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. The reason these are at the very beginning of the document is because without these life has no meaning. These also use the dominion effect. without life there is no liberty, without liberty there can be no true happiness.