27) define normative ethics as “theories of ethics that are concerned with the norms, standards or criteria that define principles of ethical behaviour.” The most common examples of normative ethical theories are utilitarianism, Kantian duty-based ethics (deontology), and divine command theory, which are described ...
A copy of Trotha's Extermination Order survives in the Botswana National Archives. The order states "every Herero, with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I will no longer accept women or children, I will drive them back to their people [to die in the desert] or let them be shot at."
The increasing population and urbanization have resulted into changes in the land use pattern. Large scale forests have been destructed to expand land for cultivation.
The method of delivering a chemical is called Dispersion
Are there options? Infrastructure would be a great fit considering the fact that it sits on the jurisdiction of both governments.