On May 8, 1980, the most destructive volcano in american history. Magma in the volcano began to rise up due to a earthquake. While the magma was rising up and out of the volcano it hit a huge patch of frozen water making the water expand. Therefor the volcano blew out sideways and caused huge flooding. The flooding was mixed with ash, a lot of water and the things of the surrounding area. When the volcano erupted the ash and rock from deep within the volcano had been sprung into the air at around 400 mph. The rocks and debris rose 15 miles into the air. In the end 57 people were killed not counting the wildlife.
June 18th the president signed a declaration of war against Britain.
The day of ratification for the treaty of Ghent was February 1st.
The act o f seizing shipments for public use or impressing into public service is known as Impressment.
The war of 1812 was also called the second war of Independence.
TheOrders in Council required neutral countries to obtain a license from its authorities before trading with France.
Mound Builder is the general name or the collective name given to the pre-Columbian Native American cultures who constructed earthen structures for religous, burial and/ or ceremonial purposes. The Mound Builder are famous in building flat earthworks, flat mounds and other forms
Driven Out
Chinese immigrants were often treated violently, and the government even supported this behavior. Anti-Chinese riots and attacks on Chinese areas were very common, and in addition, Chinese were often violently driven from their countries where they had been working.
I believe it was because both blacks and whites were moving west to the cities to find jobs.
hope i helped :)