Adam Smith argued that individuals should own and control businesses and make all the decisions about them.
B. the shift of the Roman Empire's capital from Rome to Constantinople
The Western Roman Empire had been on the decline, while the Eastern Roman Empire has been on the rise. Being more powerful and more influential, the capital of the Roman Empire shifted in the Eastern part of it. Constantinople became the capital of the Roman Empire in 330 AD. This led to significant transfer of power toward the East, and big loss of power in the West. The East prospered more and more and became the strongest power in every sense in the region. The West on the other side was crumbling, little by little losing its political, economic, and military power, eventually resulting in its fall.
The main way in which the poem, "The White Man's Burden", justifies imperialism to the industrialized world and the unindustrialized world is that it implies that it is the "obligation" and duty of white men in developed and rich countries to colonies poorer countries--in order to implement more "modern" and prosperous forms of government.
Rulers ruled a cite and religion is a belief