I did not experience trouble deciding what fields to study in after high school.
Having known that I have always been a very kinesthetic learner, and since it was apparent that I enjoyed a fluctuation in my day-to-day activities, I have known that I wanted to study gastroenterology. This profession not only allows me to provide a helping hand to the world around me, but I may also experience new things every single day. The paycheck also persuaded me...just a little.
I think the answer is B, not 100% sure though.
TOPIC first
1. Diphtheria is caused by the spread of a bacterium,
Corynebacterium diphtheria. When a person catches diphtheria, the bacteria release a toxin, or poison, into the person's body. The toxin infects the upper airways, and sometimes the skin, causing a membrane to grow across the windpipe.
2: Diphtheria is a serious infection caused byY strains of bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheriae that make toxin (poison). It can lead to difficulty breathing, heart failure, paralysis, and even death.
3: Symptoms of diphtheria
. a thick grey-white coating that may cover the back of your throat, nose and tongue
. a high temperature (fever)
. sore throat
. swollen glands in your neck
. difficulty breathing and swallowing.
all available on gg
No. it asked why he went to the park not when.