➊ Le vendeur <u>a</u> rentré les journaux dans le kiosque parce qu'il va pleuvoir. ➫ CORRECT
➋ Mes frères <u>sont</u> allés au cybercafé pour surfer sur le web. ➫ CORRECT
➌ Est-ce que tu sais quand François Mitterrand <u>est</u> mort ? ➫ CORRECT
➍ Mon meilleur ami et moi, nous <u>sommes</u> nés le même jour. ➫ CORRECT
➎ Je crois que les Black Eyed Peas <u>a</u> sorti un nouvel album.
- sortir <u>qch</u> – <em>il </em><u><em>a</em></u><em> sorti un nouvel album ; il </em><u><em>a</em></u><em> sorti un chien </em><em>[COD]</em>
- sortir – <em>il </em><u><em>est</em></u><em> sorti de la maison</em>
➏ Est-ce que vous <u>avez</u> passé une bonne soirée au festival ? ➫ CORRECT
➐ Je <u>suis</u> venu(e) ici pour faire un reportage sur le cinéma américain. ➫ CORRECT
➑ Paul, tu <u>es</u> monté à Paris pour la première du nouveau film de Luc Besson ? ➫ CORRECT
<em>Amicalement</em> ㋡
Alatuchi thanks sa points
You can use different languages in your future for jobs, you may run into a foreign person or someone who is french and you will know what to say. You may also get interviews and jobs in France. :)
1. Je déteste ma jupe violette.
2. Les chaussures ___NOIRES_______sont à mon père. ..........(Black)
3. La robe ___JAUNE_______est jolie. ........(Yellow)</span>
Hello, after writing this text in French I must translate it into English. Thank you to those who will take the trouble to help me.
This commercial passage is a real success. All the shops are great! There is a small Biocoop to help out with quality organic produce, a well-known pastry chef, a wine seller, an Italian brasserie offering midday meals on a superb terrace where the dishes are plentiful, the food is quality, the ice creams are made by the owner early in the morning and a very pretty bookshop located in a pleasant and timeless setting. The highlights are relevant and well presented, we feel a real expertise on the part of the booksellers and not just a desire The shelves are filled with beautiful things for young and old.At the top and very lively.You wouldn't think you were in Strasbourg.
An ideal place to spend delicious moments around a good coffee, a typical Italian dish, a trendy pastry while reading a good book bought in the bookstore