well since they deleted my answer, you're on your own kid. Goggle it, you will find the answer right away.
You walk into the school wondering what you should eat as a snack. You walk past many healthy and unhealthy snacks. But now you have to choose of what kind you want. Students attending schools with vending machines face this problem everyday: healthy or unhealthy. In my opinion, schools should offer healthy vending machines because students would have a healthier snack choice, it would lower obesity rates, and students would be able to realize of what is a better choice of food for their body.
Abigail this because in the very beginning, her actions have lead to lying and blaming others. She also starts issues with John Proctor’s wife because of the affair.
The punctuation mark that should be placed after the close quotation mark is a period. A period is used at the end of the sentence to indicate where the sentence fully stops. In the example given above, it is made up of two complete sentences with different thoughts each. Therefore, it should be written like this: I understand that "time is of the essence". I just need to find my keys so we can leave!