<span>Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Address</span>
The words that should be capitalized are: Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, and
Address. Pennsylvania is a proper noun that is a name of a place. Gettysburg
Address should also be capitalized because it is the title of the famous speech
that Abraham Lincoln. It is the speech that paved the way to democracy with the
well-known phrase: a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Eventually, the Romans using the umbrella to protect themselves from the rain as well as the sun.
Given information is not enough to answer your question appropriately. Let me start explaining with the cases that we can extract from given information:
Case 1: Stacy was driving the car - in this case, Stacy was in driver seat.
Case 2: Someone else was driving the car - in this case, Stacy was in passenger seat.
The example of the gun loaded with cigarettes is an example of Pathos rhetorical appeal.
Answer: Option 3
Apart from literary writing works, many advertising companies also makes uses of rhetorical appeals to persuade its audience.
Pathos is a type of rhetorical appeal which is based on a person’s emotion to influence them. ‘Gun loaded with cigarettes’ this depicts that cigarettes are being loaded on a revolver and gun is a symbol of death.
Thus it makes a person aware of the fact that smoking kills. So if such rhetorical appeals are used, it warns a person about the effects of smoking.