Answer For the English People
1. Write in the following boxes, that another title you
you would put the story you just read. the animals could tell if the chameleon really deserved to be the winner
3. What would you have done if you were the chameleon or the snake.
IT IS FOR TODAY if you do not know, do not answer
this is not the answer but I was trying to help out the people who don't know spanish <3
It is estimated that there are about one thousand Arabic roots, and approximately three thousand derived words, for a total of around four thousand words or 8% of the Spanish dictionary - the second largest lexical influence on Spanish after Latin.
El costo de oportunidad se puede ilustrar mediante el uso de las fronteras de posibilidad de producción (PPP), que proporcionan una herramienta simple pero poderosa para ilustrar los efectos de hacer una elección económica. Un PPF muestra todas las combinaciones posibles de dos productos, o dos opciones disponibles en un punto en el tiempo.
The person has to go to the class, "biblioteca" at 12:25 p.m.
Hace mucha calor en verano.