What book is this ?.....ill help ya
Knowledge does, in fact, lead you to new oppertunites. When you learn, you may go down career paths that you did not even know interest you. Learning always has a positive affect on people. Even if you know something you didn't want to know, this information could help you later in life. The more you read, the more information you will be learning and this leads me back to Dr. Suess' quote. Whenever you read, you are learning, and whenever you are learning you are giving yourself a brighter future!
This text:
Although his name is well known, dew know the facts surrounding the curious childhood of this gifted author.
Is a 2. transition
The reasons backing this answer are:
First conclusions always summarize the elements provided and stand out a finish statement of the author's perspective. Second, Introductions always present the topic, the perspective of the author, and the reason behind the presentation of the information. In our case, we only see information about a certain idea and contrasted it with the opposite, therefore it is a transition.
Core beliefs are those you hold most dear. There are usually started from things such as environment, family, and friends. I hope this helps :-)