That a disease can be very contagious and risk life to die.
People were eager to return to Philadelphia and get back to their normal lives. George Washington was especially interested in returning to Philadelphia so Congress could meet and keep the government running. However, people often returned too soon, and the yellow fever was not yet gone. It was still lingering in people's homes, which caused people to continue getting sick.
My study looked at how the disgusting Norway rat made people sick. - Investigative writing that shows bias.
The screech owl is a small owl common in North America. - Informative writing.
We wanted to prove whether coyotes are as dangerous as people think. - Investigative writing.
The vile brown recluse spider is named for its sneaky way of life. - Informative writing that shows bias.
Explanation: Good luck! :D
Answer: The theme of “Taking the Plunge” is to accomplish any challenge you have to overcome your fears on your own. The story tells us that no matter how impossible we think one things is, there is always a way to do it as long as we stay positive and confident. The main character had a problem with her body but that did not stop her from achieving amazing feats that one would think is impossible for her state.
The interpretation of the "farewell speech by Polonius to Laertes is given below:
"Try to think of it like that, anyway. When a youth grows into a man, he doesn’t just get bigger in his body—his responsibilities grow too. He may love you now, and may have only the best intentions, but you have to be on your guard.
Remember that he belongs to the royal family, and his intentions don’t matter that much—he’s a slave to his family obligations. He can’t simply make personal choices for himself the way common people can, since the whole country depends on what he does. His choice has to agree with what the nation wants.
So if he says he loves you, you should be wise enough to see that his words only mean as much as the state of Denmark allows them to mean.
Then think about how shameful it would be for you to give in to his seductive talk and surrender your treasure chest to his greedy hands. Watch out, Ophelia. Just keep your love under control, and don’t let yourself become a target of his lust.
Simply exposing your beauty to the moon at night is risky enough—you don’t have to expose yourself to him. Even good girls sometimes get a bad reputation. Worms ruin flowers before they blossom. Baby blooms are most susceptible to disease. So be careful. Fear will keep you safe. Young people often lose their self-control even without any help from others."