she go's and fight the dragon
Do you mean Sonnet 43 - How Do I love Thee?
Alright, so amongst starters, you have a few you can use to show you'll have evidence:
According to text
According to the passage
According to the information provided
As the information shows
As the text mentioned, (include direct quote here)
Based on the information in the passage/text, (include reasoning here)
Etc. There are quite a few options, really, these are just a few. Based on whatever you are providing the information ON, the words information, text, and passage can be changed to suit your needs, such as article, newspaper, website, etc.
The period in which they lived and the style of poetry they wrote
Native Americans had grown corn for more than 2000 years. They ate it and used it to brew beer way before the Europeans landed on America on the late 15th century, led by Christopher Columbus.
When the settlers arrived to the West Indies, they were offered corn by the Native American Indians. They learned how to grow it, took seeds back with them and introduced it in Europe.