Ann Quinlan was 21 y/o When she mixed Valium and alcohol by mistake. She was in a coma for about 6 years with no hope of ever getting well. Her parents fought for her to be allowed to be taken off of the machines and allowed to die. The courts ruled in her favor and she was slowly removed from the machines. But after having the machines removed she did not die and lived for about 10 more years. Her case started the “right to die” motion.
B. I knew the rain falling lightly from the clouds would stop.
Answer: Women feel pressure to conform to society’s expectations.
In this excerpt, Frank is defending her right to go out alone. As a woman, however, she is not supposed to, and Fritz reminds her of that. She says that is she goes on with that behaviour, people will talk about her. This is an example of how women feel pressured to conform to society's expectations. Frank is being pressured by Fritz, while Fritz has been pressured by society at large.
just. this means she does things based on what is morally right.
jubilant. this means she is often excited, rejoicing. overly happy.
joyful. this is similar to jubilant, but means less celebratory and more happy.
why these words could be used to describe jane goodall: wanting to observe and be around the chimpanzees not only to end curiosity, but help people learn more about them so that this knowledge could be used later when learning how to protect them could be considered just and morally right. being able to accomplish so much and just be around happy chimps and know that people support what she did could have made her rather jubilant and celebratory, especially when learning new things about chimps that others had not known before then. she seemed to be an overall happy person, especially around the animals, and people have never really described her as a miserable person to be around. this could make her joyful.