He united twelve tribes under one king
We all helped the lady take her groceries to the car.
The standard of living of people in a particular country refer to the amount of wealth or comfort ability that is available to them. The indicators of standard of living are those factors that are used to measure the standard of living of a particular country. The principal indicator that is used in economics to measure the standard of living is real GDP per capita. GDP stands for the Gross Domestic Product of a country.
The correct answer is C-The Soviet Union enjoyed strong economic growth in the 1920s.
Indeed, the chart shows that in 1921 all industrial and agricultural output was drastically reduced. This was due to the fact that Russia was in the middle of the Russian Civil War that followed the two consecutive communist revolutions of 1917. Because of the war, the fields were not grown and the industries did not produce anything as most farmers/workers were dead or fighting.
The Red Army finally prevailed over the White army and as Stalin took the power in 1924, he forced the collectivization of agriculture and industrialization of the country in order to prevent an invasion of capitalist Western powers and their allies. By 1928 it is obvious that the agricultural and industrial output levels have recovered, reaching or surpassing the pre-revolutionary levels which indicates an exponential growth of industrial and agricultural output.
The Gospel of Wealth.
Andrew Carnegie's company always remained at the top of the business world and was able to conquer and even destroy many other smaller companies. He easily became one of the richest men in the world. Andrew Carnegie retired from the steel industry in 1901 and focused his energy on philanthropy. He published his own book called The Gospel of Wealth.