J'ai été
Tu as été
Il a été
Nous avons été
Vous avez été
Ils ont été
Question 1
Many countries around the world speak French due to a history of colonization by the French.
Question 2
Vous is used often in the singular in formal situations or with unknown adults.
Question 3
The québecois are proud of their French heritage and want to remember their roots.
Question 6
<u>biscuit</u> <em>is related to a French word</em>
Question 7
Question will rise in intonation at the end of the phrase.
Question 8
Belgium was created and reshaped through conflicts between the French and Dutch, which is reflected by the language spoken in its different regions.
Hope this helps ☺☺☺
Using the three words below, write a complete French sentence using the appropriate preposition( à, en, au, aux, de,des, du, d'). You may copy and paste the accented character from this list if needed:
Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü
Je, aller, Mexique
<em>Je vais </em>au <em>Mexique.</em>
the answer is " Vous buvez tout le soda ?
I guess "tour" was "tout".....
hope I helped !
J'ai beaucoup <em>de</em> <em>tasses</em> à café.
Il y a <em>de la</em> salade dans <em>le frigo.</em>
<em>D'</em>habitude je regarde<em> la télévision</em> tous les soirs.
Les livres <em>de la bibliothèque</em> sont neufs.