thank you so muchim sorry you feel that way though
The answer is "No do dat no more!"
Although modeling, reinforcement, and feedback almost cer-tainly play some role in language development, early theoriesbased on such processes could not adequately account for thefact that most children acquire a very complex language sys-tem in a very short period, and with only limited guidancefrom adults.
the milk is colder in the fridge
Mike is slimmer than you
he is happier than Tom
I am really glad you know, even glader
she is more clever than I thought
he is getting more and more anxious
come in, friends! this restaurant is better than the other one.
The skirt is nicer than the blouse
your welcome :)
at under and near
Which words are prepositions? at no under near from see 2 See answers brookesteff brookesteff 1. At 2. Under 3. Near 4. From. jswisher1 jswisher1 Answer: 1 3 4 5. Explanation: took the test . world record rates. Still have questions? Ask your question. Find more answers. Still have questions