Я ничего не знаю, потому что я сумасшедший. Я сумасшедший, потому что мои друзья сумасшедшие.
Answer: B) Even in a new place with new people, travelers never escape their old problems.
<em>The Tempest</em> tells a story about Prospero, a magician who was utterly betrayed by his brother and forced to flee his dukedom. Caught in a tempest, he arrives on an enchanted island together with his daughter, Miranda.
The characters in the play have multiple times found themselves in a situation where they could behave in disagreement with their social status. However, they continue to act in accordance with their societal roles. The most obvious example of this is Prospero himself, who is determined to recover his title, although he now rules the entire island and has a servant (Ariel) and a slave (Caliban). Instead of being pleased with this situation, he plots a revenge to regain his title, because this is how it works in his society.
In addition, Miranda and Ferdinand are not intimate even when there is nobody around them, because they are used to controlling their urges. Both Caliban and Stephano and Trinculo do not reach freedom as they are convinced by the society that they belong to a lower class.
Maybe Murphy doesn’t know how to shave Jefferson head .
Answer: According to the speaker, headlines about the benefits of chocolate and cheese came about when the scientist was doing studies with a drink that made people have less tryptophan in the brain.