Power in the Roman Republic was distributed among various levels, among which the post of a consul is the highest elected post. This post is held by individuals that are elected by the citizens for a one-year term.
Consuls are similar to that of head-of-states. They had power over the military, represented the state in foreign affairs, and also presided over important sessions or events. Every year, two individuals are elected to be the consul, but with the coming of emperors, the power of the consuls declined as the emperor held most of the high-authority powers.
It was led by the Zulus, or the Zulu empire. The Zulus were famous for their resistance and many movies and books were written of British warfare against the Zulu empire.
The people in the colonies are lazy, it's that simple. Colonies thought if they captured someone who is considered a lower class the them, they could use them as property, and work labores.