On May 8th 1945, the Allies accepted Germany's surrender, about a week after Adolf Hitler had commited Sui**** VE Day celebrates the end of the Second World War on May 8th 1945.
One result of the broadcasting of the Army-McCarthy hearings on television
was that he lost the support of the American public.
The hearing was between the Army and Senator McCarthy in which he was
accused of trying to influence the Army to give preferential treatment to G.
David Schine who was his former aide and close friend.
Senator McCarthy accused the Army of communist and security risks within
them which was why he was being framed for the offense, The hearing was
televised and it led to the decline and decreased popularity of the Senator as lost the support of the American public.
Innovations in farming techniques that led to great productivity.
1.- <em>Three Point Linkage</em>. Developed by Harry Ferguson, this invention raised or lowered the plough, depending on the depth farmers wanted to dig.
2.- <em>Genetical Modified Corps</em>. Scientist isolate genes with some desirable traits to improve the quality of the plant.
3.- <em>Fertiliser Deep Placement.</em> A new form of fertiliser that increased the Yields.
4.- <em>New Feeding Methods</em>. Blending different components of food to improve the quality of nutrition.
Answer: b. Florida was the first region in the present-day continental United States that Spain colonized.
Florida or Spanish Florida as it was known, was the first territory claimed by a European power in North America.
It was much larger than the present state of Florida and included parts of present day Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Established by Juan Ponce de León for the Spanish crown, Spain found it particularly difficult as well as too unattractive to maintain a significant presence which led to the territory continually shrinking until it's authority in Florida barely extended out of the various ports that were established.