what is a place you want to see, why would you like to see it. you fill in the blank below
an interesting place I would like to visit is ______, becuase_______. (try telling what inspired you to want to go to this place, and when you started wanting to go.
answer:it shows that he was convinced that Fred (his son-in-law) was capable of running the project, in addition to believing that family businesses are successful.
Answer: Earth is our home and we have to love it. In earth are things humans needed but they destroy them and never worry about it. “Many animals are in extinction because of earth destruction.” Animals are disappearing since people don’t save nature. “Flora and fauna is destroying because we don’t take care of it.” Flora and fauna hurt because of all the damages we have done to it. “Global warming is happening over and over but no one think about it.” (Protecting the home we live in). Global warming is occurring all over earth but we don’t care about it. All this is happening because we never worry about our home and its problems.
Struggle to the answer is bilbo faces the dragon
It was a long and dangerous journey. It likely started out peacefully, but weather delays, broken wagons, sickness, and death along the way...all of these made the journey long AND dangerous.