d. They consider starvation or shooting him with poisoned arrows.
Jonathan Swift's adventure story "Gulliver's Travels" is the fictional story of Lemuel Gulliver to various interesting nations. He met all kinds of living beings, some small, some bigger than him, and some even animal like.
Part I of the story tells his journey to the kingdom of Lilliput, a nation inhabited by small, tiny 6 inch people. Since he himself appears huge for them, they toed him and kept him captive for the time being. The king along with his men consulted with each other on what course to take regarding 'this' alien they had captured. One such consultation led to the councilmen suggesting that they starve him or kill him with poisoned arrows. But this idea was rejected for they will be left "<em>the stench of so large a carcass (which) might produce a plague in the metropolis, and probably spread through the whole kingdom</em>".
He is such a selfish bully because he already gets anything he wants so he makes fun of those who don't and since he gets so much attention he wants more by being bad and not getting caught. Along with getting attention Dudley is fat. Because he is fat he might feel insecure on the inside and jealous of Harry for being skinny.
Harry's eleventh birthday is sad, pitiful, and forgotten. I can't give examples directly from the book because i don't have it with me but i know that no one in the dursley family acknowledges his birthday and harry keeps to himself doing what the dursleys force him to do.
Hope that Helps!
Good Luck.
I think I watched this video last year.
What helped Panyee Football club success, was there fight/determination. The Panyee Football Club never gave up. Even when they were in a ruff spot. For example when it was raining the club never gave up.