To describe the Veterans' Day to someone who has never heard of it, I would share the following information:
1. Veterans' Day started after the first world war in 1919.
2. In 1926 the US Congress passed a resolution for this celebration to be held annually in May.
3. Veterans' Day celebrates both the living and the dead veterans, but especially gives thanks for the living ones.
4. Veterans' Day is different from Memorial Day, which remembers the dead veterans.
5. There are many millions of veterans in the United States.
The above information is chosen to give a historical perspective to the Veterans' Day celebration. The information also differentiates the veterans' day from the memorial day. The information is given to emphasize the all-inclusive nature of the veterans' day, unlike the memorial day.
A compare-and-contrast essay is a style of essay that points out the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It's ideal for showing what separates and unites related things or concepts, particularly if the subjects are often confused for each other or unjustly lumped together.
George Orwell, in his 1946 essay, "Politics and the English Language," says that. it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: Among the problems of modern English are: The first is staleness of imagery ("Dying metaphors.")