What, When, Where.
What is in the background, What is the time, year, day ect..., And where does the setting take place.
Semantic vs. Episodic Memory
Semantic memory is an organized record of knowledge, meanings, facts and concepts about the world. Semantic is about simple knowledge, which includes types of dress, food, social etiquette, etc.
Episodic memory is about our memory of a person's experiences of specific events or incidents in time in a serial form. This memory is autobiographical in nature and includes places, times, and emotions.
In this case, remembering birth day is semantic memory while what actually happened on the last birth day is episodic memory.
Henry uses a passionate tone. Here are some excerpts that highlight this tone:
"The war is inevitable—and let it come!"
"Our chains are forged!"
"I repeat it, sir, we must fight!"
"The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone, it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave."
"There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!"
". . . give me liberty or give me death!"
I know this is correct because i got it wrong then it showed the right answer which was this and this is the exact same wording to might want to change it up so you dont get in trouble.
Hope this helps :)