Fasting is one of the pillars in Islam. In the Quran, Allah has stated that "O you who have believed, prescribed for you is the Fast, as it was prescribed for (the ones) who were before you, that possibly you would be pious." Fasting also teaches people to be patient, disciplined and compassionate towards those who are less fortunate by experiencing hunger at first hand.
Although it is one of the main parts in Islam, Allah has excused several groups from fasting. These people include: the elderly, people who are pregnant, nursing or menstruating, those who are sick and people who are traveling. This is what makes Him just.
Hopefully that answers your question!
D. plays, novels, short stories
I think
D is the answer but you put it
E da je tebe razumiti dobro
Koji je ovo jezik uopce ja nista nekontam ovo sta si ti napisi
Moga si na eng napisat a ne tu neki koji je to ruski koji vec