Xotic animal clinics deal with exotic animals (animals from different lands or extreme conditions), whereas traditional animal clinics deal with household pets, which are usually domestic. You have to determine your preference.
<span>Work with exotic animals is important because their natural habitats are declining, which puts them at risk of being endangered. Better knowledge of these animals may help you to find solutions for their health.</span>
<span>Eventually the smaller, lighter beetles will out breed the larger, darker ones. Because they can avoid predators more easily, allowing them to reproduce more often and with better results. The larger, darker beetles will inevitably be found more often by predators and as such won't be able to reproduce as often, or as safely, as the smaller, lighter beetles.</span>
Green plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by photosynthesis.
4-I don’t know :(
6-Daughter cell
7-I don’t know this one either :(
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