Select five of the locations listed in directions, research them briefly, state their significance.
Once you have done this, look up their relative locations/metro stops to describe the journey from one place to the next.
All seem to be quite famous locations- pick 5 easiest to research or if some are featured in your textbook (if you are using one, I assume this is for class).
The answer is to get ready
Quelle librairie vend les livres<u> </u><u>les plus intéressants ?</u>
<em>Which bookstore sells </em><u><em>the most interesting </em></u><em>books ?</em>
Sakut !
<em>Select the location of the following: L’ Océan Pacifique</em>
Il se trouve à l’ouest des Etats-Unis.
10- Oui j'en ai vu des vaches en Normandie.
11-J'ai pris des centaines de vaches en photo.
12-Oui, J'en veux s'il te plait.
13- Non j'en ai pas trop mange.
14- Oui j'en reviens.