Not sure about the 1st one, but it sounds like a cruel irony, or karma, where one does something bad, and later on the same bad thing gets done to you. Breaking the fourth wall is when a character in a comic, book, or tv show/movie talks to the reader, or states that he knows that there is an audience and he is just a character (comes from the old tv sets where there were only 3 walls, and the fourth wall was where the audience would watch in, and cameras would shoot: so when they "broke the fourth wall", they looked out at the audience and talked to them). Externalised conscience is essentially, as far as i know, when a character decides between what he wants to do and what he should do, and there are usually many soliliquies (excuse the spelling) while he makes the decision. Not sure if this is all 100% correct, but that's what my non-drama knowledge allows me, and hope it helps you out a little bit.
Sung through musicals have some spoken dialogue, but it's usually still included within the songs, so people kind of miss it. Laurens sings as Eliza and Hamilton have a spoken dialogue where she reads a letter revealing Laurens' death.The differences in these two genres are vast. The main one is that in a traditional art of opera, singers are not amplified. Opera singers train for years to be able to produce such powerful sounds that the audience in a big theater like the Metropolitan Opera can hear them. This in itself is incredible!