When the American constitution was created and federalism was established in the country, it was important that a bill of rights was created, as some people believed that the constitution and federalism put citizens in danger of being abused by the federal government, which would have too much political power with the constitution and federalism. As such, the bill of rights was intended to protect American citizens by limiting government power and establishing rights that would allow citizens to live a full life.
From this, constitutional amendments were created, which present the basic rights of Americans and which must be respected at all costs. One of the most important amendments is the First Amendment, which protects the freedom of the American people, allowing everyone to be free to choose their own religion, have the freedom to express themselves, and may even disagree with government decisions. Without this amendment, Americans would not have freedom and that would be very negative for society.
In addition to the first amendment, we cannot forget three more amendments that are very important to guarantee justice and a politically and socially positive life for society. Among these amendments, let's not forget the Fourth Amendment that protects Americans from police abuse, the Sixth Amendment that allows all American citizens to receive a fair and impartial trial if necessary, and the Eighth Amendment that prevents the government from imposing punishment very severe for Americans who have committed crimes and been found guilty after a trial.
The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution was one of the three improvements made to the United States Constitution after the Civil War, it was known also as the Civil War Amendment. The motivation of the 15th Amendment was to guarantee that states or communities were not invalidating men the right to vote, simply, because of their race.
After the Civil War, America needed to be reconstructed socially an structurally. During the reconstruction of the South, some Sothern states still fond ways to discriminate former slaves, and restrict voting to white men only. These restrictions on voting were revoked by the 15th Amendment, which President Jackson tried to reject with no success. Many states tried to deprive the black voters by creating preferential laws. One of such laws was the "Grandfather Clause", which stated that those who had the benefit or the right to vote prior to 1866 or 1867, or their lineal descendants, would be free from educational, property or tax requisites in order to vote.
As the last of the Civil War Amendments the 15th Amendment permit former slaves to congregate and select people to represent them. This amendment is important as an equitable principle, in deciding who has the right to vote; it acts as a significant event in the correction of the United States Constitution tp guarantee civil rights in general and voting rights, specially for its multiple racial population.
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During the protestant reformation, there were two major periods of conflict known as the Bohemian and Swedish phases. The causes of these conflicts had a number of long term effects on the protestant reformation including:
* Reduction in territory for many countries that had converted to Protestantism
* Many catholic territories being taken over by protestants
* Economic issues caused by constant warfare
* Long-lasting tensions between Catholics and Protestants
During the Bohemian phase, causalities were high due to large battles with heavy artillery being used. This is when leaders from both sides realized that casualties from war would be much less when taking place in smaller, more focused groups rather than larger armies which would result in greater loss of life. In doing so, the protestant reformation was able to spread more quickly than the catholic reformation.
As for economic issues caused by constant warfare, public funding was diverted towards military spending so that they were capable of defending their territory. This resulted in decreased spending on education and social welfare which allowed for an increase in poverty within these countries. The protestants took advantage of this by allowing local rulers to decide on religious matters instead of forcing them to convert.