machinery began to replace manual labor; fuel, oil, coal, iron, and steel; wealth of natural resources, government support for business, growing urban population
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The Freedmen's Bureau was an program to help former black slaves and poor whites aftermath the Civil War. On March 3, 1865 was established the programa initiated by the U.S President Abraham Lincoln. The program provided food, housing, medical aid, schools and legal assistance. Was an temporary agency to last one year after the war. The power of the program were expanded to help African Americans to find their family members whom they lost during the war. Beside that they learn to read and write. In summer of 1872 because of a pressure from white Southners the Congress dismantled the Freedmen’s Bureau.
<u>Descartes</u> was one of the first to believe that mind could affect body and vice versa and is famous for the quote “I think therefore I exist.”