Even in her momentary grief, she describes the “open square before her house” and “the new spring life.” The outdoors symbolize freedom in the story, so it's no surprise that she realizes her newfound freedom as she looks out her window.
It would seem that some writing council has gotten together and decided that the ideal male character has chiseled arms, a broad chest, and is unafraid of anything. And, to add some diversity, you can have your skinny nerd dudes and theLook, I have two brothers and am a bit of a tomboy. I surf (or used to, before Lyme happened), meaning that I’ve spent a lot of time with guys, since there are more dude surfers than dudette surfers. So believe me when I tell you that many fictional male characters are not only stereotypical, but inaccurate. Not to mention annoying. Here are 8 points you may be getting wrong when it comes to writing male characters: your dark-haired flirts with smoldering eyes.